Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our First Easter

We decided we wanted to spend our first easter married with my sister and brother in law and their three kids. We had a lot of fun dyeing eggs, going on egg hunts, playing, and just chatting and catching up with them. So here are a few pictures from the weekend. Sorry there aren't many of me and adam, but we weren't the cute ones this weekend the kids were. This is Me not wanting Adam to take a picture of me looking like a hideous beast.
Adam doing his fake smile in the car. I hate that I don't know how to turn the picture.
Me cheezin it in the car waiting for Caryn and Justin to hurry and pick a movie.
Taylor smiling big for Uncle Adam
Hunter was ready to dig into that candy.
Hunter was checking to see what the easter bunny put in the eggs he found.
Tucker had my shoes on his feet, then he decided that they were so big, he was going to wear them on his hands. He is so silly and cute.
Tucker and Aunt Kim after the big easter egg hunt in the back yard. The kids had a lot of fun looking for eggs. The easter bunny hid some easy ones but some hard ones too that Hunter found.
Hunter checking out what he got from the easter bunny.
Taylor and Tucker putting stickers on their eggs that they colored.
This was a funny story. Tucker held up his chocolate bunny and said what is this and I said its candy. He shook the candy in his right hand and said yeah candy what is this. I said that's candy too and he said "OHHHH" haha. I love his face in this picture.
Hunter patiently awaiting his egg to finish in the dye.
Aunt Kim about to hand one of them another color to dye another egg.
Taylor was not happy to have her picture taken. Caryn and Justin ran into the movie place and we stayed in the car with the kids
The eggs they dyed. They were so pretty.
Hunter proud of his green egg.
Hunter trying not to look happy in the picture we took while they were in the movie store.
Tucker smiling for me kinda. He likes his picture taken.