Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I didn't realize how hard life would be with two kids.  Don't get me wrong - I got pretty lucky with two amazing kids - Riglee usually sleeps from 10pm until 9 or 10am and when we can get Parker in bed and to sleep, he'll sleep until 8 or 9am.

Riglee hardly cries - usually it's because she's starving or wants attention. 

Parker loves laying by her on the mat on the floor or on the bed. 

He holds her hand in the car.

He really is a great big brother.

However, adventuring out with two kids, not so easy...
At the grocery store, Parker has to be buckled in or he climbs out so I have to put him in the seat belt - which means Riglee's car seat ends up in the back which leaves little to no room for anything!  Hence the reason when I have both of them, I only get a few things or I go to HEB because their carts have seats for two.

I've been slacking going to the gym - it's just been to hard to get there - but I def need to start back up.

We went and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 this weekend with Adam's fam - Parker only liked the action scenes.  He got bored during the rest of it.  We saw previews for Happy Feet 2, Cars 2, and ZooKeeper and Parker said that he wanted to go see them.  We shall see.  ZooKeeper seems like another Night at the Museum type show - except it's a zoo.  We'll see -

When Parker says "Who's That" it sounds like, "Oh s***".  Not good - Kari told Mom that it sounded like "Oh Shoot (you know because we don't curse)" and Parker repeated her and said "Oh Shoot".  We really have to watch what we say around him. 

He throws tantrums like no other.  He's spoiled rotten and somebody usually gives him what he wants - but not all the time.  We have started holding our ground and telling him no.  That means he cries, but that's life. 

He knows how to work the Ipod and Ipad - He can pull up netflix and pick a movie, he can play games, he's pretty smart for only being two.  I swore that my kid would never use them as much as he does, but with Adam being the tech guru that he is, he gives in and gives them to Parker.  He says it's okay - he's learning...

It seems like life has been so busy lately with everything and we can't keep up.  Adam is on his last part of school - only 3 or 4 weeks left and then he will be done and graduates in August!  I am super proud of him for sticking to it and working so hard.  I asked him if he was going to go on to do his Doctorate and he said not for a while haha - Poor kid is tired of school after getting his Bachelors and Masters. 

He will be able to teach classes online with his Masters though - So if you are taking online classes from Lamar this fall, look for a class from him!!


Rondi said...

Ask your mom what it is like to have more than two kids and what life is like at the grocery store. I know what it was like with 5 of them. Parker sounds very intelligent at his age. I think you might have a genius on your hands.