Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rice Cereal

I've been blogging a lot lately - but it's because typing is so much easier for me than writing things down and there are things that I don't want to forget...so I type them here in cyber space so they won't (hopefully) get lost...

Riglee was wide awake last night until about 12:30 or 1:00 am.  Then she decided to wake up at 3:00 and didn't go back down until 3:45 and then she was back up around 6:00.  She has been playing the game of only eating a little bit and then falling back asleep and not finishing a bottle.  Hence the reason she has been eating every 2-3 hours...

Tonight I decided that I didn't want to play that game anymore.  We used to give Parker Rice Cereal in his bottles at bed time to help satisfy him longer at night.  Adam fed Riglee her 6 oz bottle tonight with 3 scoops of rice cereal with it.  She drank it like a champ.  She is still awake at the moment due to the fact her and my mom snoozed in the chair off and on from 8:00 until 10ish I suppose.  We'll see how she does.

I know people say not to give rice cereal to babies in bottles, but I really don't care what people say! :)


Rondi said...

She is your baby, you are her home, and you make the decision. Some of the baby raising advice is quite out of date. But, just stick with rice. It is the least allergic.