Monday, October 11, 2010


Caryn and my mom were planning on going to Time Out For Women this past weekend together in Plano, Texas. However, my Uncle was getting married in Utah on Saturday and so my mom went there instead offering me the ticket. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to go because Saturday was Adam's birthday and I knew I would only see him for two seconds (if I even saw him at all). Adam was very sweet and told me to go and have fun. He kept Parker for me so that I could bond with my sister! We really had a lot of fun.  I am glad Sonia, a friend from Lufkin, was able to go with us!

Here we are at TOFW Friday night - Don't I look barfy? :)

Caryn and Sonia went up to meet Hilary Weeks and I stayed back to save our seats on Saturday!  There were 1800 women there and we didn't want to loose our great seats! 

Friday night we all three got to meet Michael McLean.  Our family grew up listening to his music.  He has been such an inspiration to our family.

Here we are at the sign!  I look barfy once again!

Saturday night after the Conference we went shopping and found this cute burger joint to eat at.  It was called Mooyahs.  It was soo good!

This was the sign at the pick up.  I'd love to be able to text my order in somewhere down here or order online!

This was the sign at our Hotel telling us that if we stole anything we would be charged X amount of dollars for it.  For reals, #15 bucks for a towel??

This is when Michael was performing - I really like his guitar!

We hit up Walmart Friday night to get snacks and drinks for the hotel.  I wanted the tiny bottles of DDP for our cooler because they would fit in there perfect and I could put the lid back on and not worry about it spilling.  However, there was only one pack of them left and it was at the very back of the shelf.  I told Caryn I couldn't get my fat, pregnant body in there to get it and she would have to do it for me since she loves me so much!  She did!  haha :)

I showered at the hotel and when I got out it said "Woo Woo Time".  The time wouldn't show up in the camera, but you can def see Woo Woo.  This means that the cleaning ladies didn't clean our mirror before we got there.  It made me a little nervous and start wondering what else they didn't clean.  :/

We had such a fun time laughing and giggling.  After all the walking and then sitting in one seat for a long time at the conference and all the junk we ate, I was in a lot of pain.  I'm pretty sure it was the hernia and the food, but all of it could have had a factor in it.  The whole way home Sat night I hardly said a word because I was in so much pain.  I laid the seat back a little hoping to get some relief and it never came.  When we got to Caryn's house I laid on the couch and cried.  Justin (her sweet husband) came to see how I liked the conference and went and got Caryn because I was in so much pain and crying so much.  After Tylenol, a Blessing from Justin and sleep (only on my sides - it hurt to lay on my back), I finally had a relief in the morning. 

Adam said that Parker was a stinker all weekend.  Cheerios everywhere, toys and books all over the place, he never napped, and Adam never got to work on his homework because Parker wouldn't let him.  He tried taking Parker to see a movie Saturday for His birthday and Parker was so loud and bad, he had to leave after the first 30 minutes.  Adam had a pretty rough weekend, but I'm glad he was willing to let me go!  I had a blast and Kinda want to go to the one in San Antonio in April, but I'll have a 2 month old...Adam said I can't leave both kids with him in April!! haha :)


Rondi said...

Time Our for Women is a great experience. The music, the talks--everything else in your life goes away for a little while. Glad you got the chance to go.