Friday, February 6, 2009

Jacquie's Birthday


Today is one of my college roommate's birthday. We spent a lot of time together the three semesters we lived together and even took a class together. It is kind of cool the way she met her husband. He served his mission in the Houston East Mission (the one I live in). My mom was feeding missionaries one night and it seemed like they invited all the ones close. I think we fed 6 that night but I'm not sure. I had never met him before that. Years later I went to BYU-Idaho and on the second or third day of class my second semester, I dropped an education class and added a history class. Sitting in the classroom the first day, I hear someone say Fruge. I turned around and it was some guy I didn't recognize and said do I know you? haha He explained about eating at my parents house yadda yadda. I made a huge pot of Gumbo one weekend and Jacquie and I were the only roommates that were home that night. So we/I emailed him taking a whim that he would check his email saying that if he wanted some cajun food I was making gumbo and he was invited. He showed up with Jon Lammers (another missionary from my mission) and the rest is history. Talk about people being in the right place at the right time. I'm sure they would have met some way some how without me, but it's kinda cool being apart of someone's story!!

I found these pictures on my computer of them from school. Hopefully they don't mind me sharing. The one of Ryan was for an art project of our roommate Christine. The one of Jacquie was from a day of them doing family photo's I think. I have no idea how it got on my computer.


The Bedke Fam said..., you're so sweet! Thanks for the birthday shout out. And thanks for always cooking yummy foods when we were roommates. And thanks for my husband ;) I think i might try and convince ry to come down in march...sound good???

love ya!!!

ps. how did you get that pic?? STALKER!!! lol jk